Classes & projects

Body Talks it’s a somatic research project in which we move, dance, and listen to our body’s stories about ourselves.

We awaken movement, explore movement, and experiment with it in various group and individual settings.

We engage in discussions and seek non-verbal expressions of embodiment in various related photo, video, and other projects.

Below are both current classes and ongoing projects.

Follow your curiosity and keep moving, no matter what happens!

FREE BODY | Free dance

Dance-Movement Class

Format: In-person, in a group
Time: Fridays, 19:00 – 20:30 
Description: “Free Body” is an open space for expressing ourselves through genuine movement, which unfolds into our own dance. Dancing skills are not required for this class, as the main aim is to express our state at a specific moment in time. Main objectives:

  • Express ourselves in movement as sincerely and honestly as possible, according to our capabilities.
  • Cultivate and extend our connection with our own being through the process of dance and life.
  • To support you, the facilitator will provide guidance and prompts, and appropriate music will accompany the class.


INSIDE-OUT | Awakened movement

Somatic-Movement Class

Format: Online, individually (and in groups)
Time: To be arranged by agreement
Description: Inside-out – these are intimate online meetings held regularly with the intention of awakening gentle movement where it has become stagnant due to internal needs and/or prompts from the facilitator. Main objectives:

  • Learn to connect with one’s living body through sensations and movement, deepening the contact with one’s body and self; the ability to move softly and effortlessly within oneself.
  • Sustain unconditional mobility, fluidity, and embodiment in everyday life.



INSIGHTS | Authentic dance

Dance-Movement Class

Format: In-person, in a group
Time: To be arranged by agreement
Description: Insights – this is an experimental group for experienced somatic practitioners based on “5 Rhythms” and “Authentic Movement.” Main objectives:

  • Deepen the experience of qualitative attention not only in movement but also in dance.
  • Cultivate a stable connection with oneself (essence) and extend it into movement. Create your own dance.



This is an ongoing project since 2010 where we combine our ways of exploring the “authentic manifestation of life in the body” through movement and photography.

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This is a small project (temporarily closed) where we have conversations with experienced somatic practitioners about their perspective on “authentic embodiment” and their journey in this field.

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